Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Welcome To My Life

When i was suffer, i just remembered what i though at that moment, i said “i believe, i don’t know how, but i will find happines with love again”. After a disaster tragedy for the last 3 years especially when i trapped in a beautiful nightmare, i cannot believe what i got and what’s left for me. I lost my spirit, i lost some great chance, and for sure i miss a big evolution in my life. It’s hurting me actually when i remember that moment, i guess i never sucess again in the future, because i lost every important thing in my life. So far i’m just so bless, after spent one year in loneliness and every single day i try to believe that my dream with her is impossible to realize. It’s seem i want to be a lone wolf, until the day i get married someday. Every night i tried to heal my wound, find a pain killer in the darkness night, but i’m dying inside, i used a fake smile everyday. It’s really hard for me to face the reality and this is it! What’s done it’s done, just leave it and never regret it. Keep moving forward into the next chapter of my life adventure.

I follow my heart, and pretend that i don’t need someone again to re-colour my day with happiness of love. It’s become more easier for me to get a further result. I knew when someone falling in love with me, But i completely don’t care about her feeling. I’m still waiting for the right moment and make a good decision when the days come. It’s like sniper, holding....waiting....and never get bored to find a good time to end all of this sickness moment. I just wanna say it’s really hard, but this is life. Life can be so cruel sometimes, when someone without love try to holding on and be a good survival in this unpredictable life. I cannot sleep well, i can’t get a good health, i really confuse because i take this feeling too hard, and i don’t expect when everything goes wrong because of love. Stuck in reverse and try to get back again into the past moment. I fight my own self, i don’t wanna to be selfish anymore. I don’t believe every girl, when they said “hey rhesa, i like you, and i want you in my life”. I though that’s a bullshit, i don’t trust them obviously. If i never try, i will never know. Someday, unexpected moment happen...

I don’t know how to describe it, but so far i’m really happy having someone again in my life. Yes i know, in the first time i don’t believe her, and i pretend that she don’t like me. I try to analyze her character, her habit and also her life silently. I’m really satisfied when overall she have a good life. I try to give her a chance, but with very very slow progress.  I just wanna see, if she surrender and give up with the progress that i give, i think she just like my outlook and style, not my character. She still holding on and she become my lovely girl now.  I’m very surprised, her ambition make me feel very impressive with this progress. When i gave her a chance to rebuild my life, haha i never knew that she made it now. So far even it’s just one week we’ve been together, but i really believe that she will be my partner in this mysterious life. I do really love her so much even it’s too short for us being together, i don’t know why, i just believe in her to make up my life to be better than before. I’m really proud of her, and especially her ambition when she tried to give me signal that she love me, i just wanna with her every single second. I never bored, because i already learn too much from my mistake in the past, and biggest failure.

From now on, i believe in her and hopefully she’ll be my last one. Because for me being a part of a relationship is like a full time job. We must serious and never play with it. Heart is like a fragile, you must keep it save how hard the situation is, or you will have a serious problem.  Build a commitment, trust each other, stick together when suffer, and everythings gonna be okay at last

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

1 komentar:

  1. bersyukurlah kak ...
    tuhan masih memberimu kesempatan untuk bisa membuka hatimu.. :)

    sedikit saran :
    di dunia ini hanya ada 1 dri 100 % orang, yang benar" mencintai kita dengan tulus,, tugas kita adalh mencari dan memilih seseorang itu untuk mendapat cinta yk bnar" tulus,,
    dan itu di dapatkn dengan trus mncoba memiliki hati setiap insan itu,, "v bukan berarti hrus playboy yia :) "
    resiko yk harus kita tanggung adalah kehancuran hati yk akn slalu datang,,,
    v itu gkn seberapa dengan hasil yank akan di dapat.a nanti,,
    "bersabar" itu slalu jadi kuncinya....
    itu seuntai kata" dri mia.

    .... v kini lihatlah kakakku ini,, dia sudah bisa membuka hatinya :)
    selamat yia kak denagn datang.a cinta ini, semoga kakak bisa lebih bahagia n nyaman dengan.a sesuai dengan harapan kakak sendiri...

    v tetap yia, sejatinya cinta itu tidak selalu dengan apa yk trus kita harapkn dan pikirkn, karna kita masih punyai takdir sendiri dlm cinta,,
    belum tentu dia yk terbaik dan blum tentu dia yk terakhir . . .

    berharap boleh, v tidak boleh berlebihan,, karna sesuatu yang berlebihan itu tidak baik...

    berdo'a saja untuk terus di berikan yg terbaik,, insyaalloh jika dia yk terbaik, alloh akn memudahkan jalan cintamu kak :)

    sekali lagi selamat yia kak ;)

    *senang.a yia yk bisa memiliki cinta itu*

